
On behalf of the members of the Longwarry & District Progress Association we would like to extend an invitation to yourself and the members of the Studebaker Car Club of Australia to attend our Australia Day Celebrations in Memorial Park, Bennett Street Longwarry on Sunday 26th January 2025.

Your participation with a car and engine display will enhance the opportunity for many residents to have an up close and personal look at the many vintage cars that we see travelling around Gippsland.

The day starts at 11am and finishes at 2pm. There is a free BBQ lunch, tea, coffee, competitions and much more. We do an official flag raising at 12 noon, and the Community Garden volunteers have plants to pot. Come along and enjoy a fun day.

We pride ourselves on making this a free family fun day and hope that your club family & friends will join us for the celebrations.

If you can bring a car or cars for a display, I ask that you arrive for set up around 10am.

Wayne Roots has volunteered to be one of the contacts if you have any further questions.

Events in March 2025

  • Mid-Week Run Picnic at Cardinia Reservoir Park

    Category: SCCA Event Mid-Week Run Picnic at Cardinia Reservoir Park

    March 13, 2025

    BYO Morning Tea - 10:30am at Cardinia Reservior Park.
    Meeting in the lower picnic area past the Dam wall - where the kangaroos are.

    Followed by lunch booked for midday at Pine Grove Hotel.
    45-51 Stoney Creek Road, Upper Beaconsfield VIC 3808

    Please let Adelle know if you're attending.

  • General Meeting

    Category: General General Meeting

    March 17, 2025

    General Meeting 8:00pm. Coatesville Bowling Club. 62 Mackie Rd East Bentleigh.


  • Naked Racer Morning Coffee - Brunch

    Category: SCCA Event Naked Racer Morning Coffee - Brunch

    March 23, 2025

    Morning coffee/brunch at the Naked Racer Cafe, 1 Grange Road Cheltenham.

    Great display of motor bikes and related memorabilia. Also great coffee and meals.

    Please let Guido know by 20th March, so booking can be confirmed.