
On behalf of the members of the Longwarry & District Progress Association we would like to extend an invitation to yourself and the members of the Studebaker Car Club of Australia to attend our Australia Day Celebrations in Memorial Park, Bennett Street Longwarry on Sunday 26th January 2025.

Your participation with a car and engine display will enhance the opportunity for many residents to have an up close and personal look at the many vintage cars that we see travelling around Gippsland.

The day starts at 11am and finishes at 2pm. There is a free BBQ lunch, tea, coffee, competitions and much more. We do an official flag raising at 12 noon, and the Community Garden volunteers have plants to pot. Come along and enjoy a fun day.

We pride ourselves on making this a free family fun day and hope that your club family & friends will join us for the celebrations.

If you can bring a car or cars for a display, I ask that you arrive for set up around 10am.

Wayne Roots has volunteered to be one of the contacts if you have any further questions.

Events in February 2025

  • Yea day and Cruise night featuring Studebakers.

    Category: SCCA Event Yea day and Cruise night featuring Studebakers.

    February 8, 2025

    Paul and Belinda Van de Ven have kindly offered to host the club for BBQ lunch on Saturday 8th February and show us around their property at Toolangi before heading a further 50km up the road to Yea for the Yea Cruise Night – where Studebaker will be the featured marque.

    Last year, we expected 14 Studes and had about 22 which was fantastic, however; this year, the organisers would like to know haw many Studebakers will attend so that they can arrange a dedicated area – possibly larger than last year.

    The day will kick off in Healesville, meeting around 10:00am in the River Street carpark before having coffee and then heading the 20km to Paul and Belinda’s place for lunch and look around. Leaving by 3:00pm to arrive in Yea where “reserved parking” will be awaiting those that have RSVP’d.

    Please RSVP to Guido Grima or Paul Van de Ven so we can cater for lunch as well as reserve your parking spot at Yea.

    PLEASE NOTE that parking will only be reserved for those who we know are attending the Cruise Night.

  • General Meeting

    Category: General General Meeting

    February 17, 2025

    General Meeting 8:00pm. Coatesville Bowling Club. 62 Mackie Rd East Bentleigh.